Sallie Milam, JD, CIPP/US/G, is a deputy director of the Network’s Mid-States Region Office. Sallie has practiced law for over 25 years primarily in the health, HIPAA and general privacy areas. She is a Certified Information Privacy Professional, with U.S. and government privacy certifications. She has extensive experience in working with state agencies on data related issues. From 2003 to 2018, Sallie served as West Virginia’s chief privacy officer and led the executive branch’s privacy program. Previously, Sallie facilitated data sharing through her service as the West Virginia Health Care Authority’s privacy officer and as HIPAA senior legal counsel, where she led HIPAA privacy implementation across the West Virginia executive branch. Additionally, she was the first executive director of the West Virginia Health Information Network, which is West Virginia’s statewide health information exchange, and was West Virginia’s project director for its Nationwide Health Information Network contract.

Articles & Resources

TEFCA Enables Nationwide Exchange of Electronic Health Information for Public Health

Law & Policy InsightsHealth Information and Data Sharing

September 25, 2019
by Sallie Milam

The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) enables health information to be shared nationwide by public health, government agencies, individuals, providers, payers and technology developers. TEFCA promises to position public health to work faster and more efficiently towards health equity by enabling better reporting, cross-jurisdictional information exchange, surveillance, tracking and outbreak investigation.

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Data Sharing Strategies to Advance Health Equity

WebinarsHealth Information and Data SharingDe-identification of Data

May 16, 2019
by Sallie Milam

Join us for a discussion of how a modern information infrastructure, built with health and non-health data that are locally relevant, is critical to both public health and its community partners to increase health equity. We will examine how public health may more widely use de-identification to make more timely, reliable, sub-county and actionable data available. This webinar will provide an in-depth look at the benefits of utilizing de-identified data and the mechanics of disclosing it.

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Privacy Officers and Data Sharing: A Q&A with Network Attorney Sallie Milam

Law & Policy Insights

April 11, 2019
by Sallie Milam

Building healthy communities requires access to relevant data from multiple sectors, including public health, health care, schools, human services, housing and law enforcement. Because they can be complex to navigate, federal and state laws governing data collection, use, and sharing can act as barriers to data use. With specialized knowledge in the use of data, privacy officers can help reduce this complexity, making data more accessible to the agencies they serve.

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