Reproductive Health and Equity
Reproductive health care encompasses essential health care services for persons who may become pregnant, including safe and legal abortion care, contraception, and the use of assisted reproductive technologies. Access to services can be impacted by a number of different factors, including current litigation, prohibitive state laws, lack of resources or providers, domestic violence, and insufficient insurance coverage. Ensuring reproductive health care access is an important component of health justice, as access to care can profoundly impact physical and mental health at the individual level and across populations through intersections with social determinants of health. The resources included here specifically address legal and policy issues related to reproductive health and equity.


The Positive Impact of Doula Care and State Regulation of Doulas and Doula Care

50-State Survey: State Laws Addressing Doula Scope of Practice

HIPAA Final Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy

Final HIPAA Rule on Reproductive Health Care Privacy: Impacts for Public Health

Four Federal Reproductive Health Care Cases You Should Care About

It Takes a Village: Expanding the Types of Professionals Who Can Provide Reproductive Care for Improved Maternal Health Outcomes

Common Themes and Creative Solutions to Protect Privacy of Reproductive Health Data

United We Stand: How Some States Are Protecting Access to Gender Affirming Care and Abortion in a Single Legislative Act

Reproductive Health Care, Litigation, Privacy and Public Health

Attempts to Restrict Ballot Initiatives That Protect Abortion Access

Creating an Equitable Landscape for Lactation Consultant Licensure in Rhode Island

Post-Dobbs Abortion Access Routes: A Primer

With the Passage of Its Compliance Date, the HIPAA Final Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy Faces Challenges in the Courts

Food Insecurity and Pregnancy: Addressing Inequities through “Food is Medicine” Initiatives

Balancing Program Integrity and Access to Reproductive Health Services: The Battle Over Title X In Tennessee and Oklahoma
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