Mechanisms for Advancing Public Health
There are novel and innovative ways that law and policy in different sectors can be used to advance health initiatives. Emerging public health issues like climate adaptation, social determinants of health, and childhood trauma call for new approaches and strategies that leverage law and policy in previously unexplored ways.


Renewable Energy Standards: A Strategy to Transition Rapidly Away From the Use of Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas to Clean, Safe, and Affordable Renewable Energy

Ideas for Action on Renewable Energy Standards

Equity Assessment Framework for Public Health Laws and Policies

Election 2020: Public Health Legal Reforms and Projections

2020 Election: Public Health on the Ballot

Law and Policy Pathways to Civic Engagement

Law and Policy Pathways to Equity in Birth Outcomes

Racial Equity Throughout Data Integration

Broadband Access and Public Health: Legal and Policy Opportunities for Achieving Equitable Access

IZ Gateway Project Legal Agreements: Facilitating Secure Data Sharing for Jurisdictions’ Immunization Information Systems

Systemic Racism and Policing: How Can Public Health Advocates Grapple with the Dual Challenges of Systemic Racism and Discriminatory Policing?

Strategies and Opportunities for Strengthening Community Health through Medical-Legal Partnership – Public Health Collaboration

With the Passage of Its Compliance Date, the HIPAA Final Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy Faces Challenges in the Courts

Amid Mounting Threats to Indoor Air Quality, Policies to Expand Access to Modified Box Fans Can Help

Restricting Education on Race and Racism: Legislative Concerns and Bright Spots
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A Closer Look at Mechanisms for Advancing Public Health
Increasingly, public health must look at legal and policy mechanisms in other sectors for opportunities that can support efforts to improve and promote health in communities. For example, tax incentives — in the form of tax credits, deductions or exemptions — can be used to support injury prevention measures; addressing climate and health requires examination of energy policy; and tackling mental health issues in school necessitates consideration of training requirements for teachers.
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