Creative Strategies to Mitigate Extreme Heat: Miami-Dade County’s Chief Heat Officer and Phoenix’s Office of Heat Mitigation and Response
March 22, 2023
Extreme heat poses a serious threat to community health and is the top cause of fatalities for all weather events in the United States. Extreme heat events are also occurring more frequently; impacting the health and well-being of communities in regions that have long dealt with heat and regions that have not typically experienced such weather events. This table provides a side-by-side overview of the activities of the Heat Officers to assist other jurisdictions who may be considering implementing similar initiatives.

The table contains examples of key goals, challenges, and strategies of the Heat Officers with special focus on community-based needs and initiatives to center health equity. It identifies: (1) who holds the position; (2) how the position is funded, (3) the program’s purpose and goals, (4) key heat issues and disparities, (5) populations vulnerable to heat exposure, (6) community needs and concerns, and (7) heat policy strategies. It is not an exhaustive list, but a quick guide to help other local governments identify challenges, solutions, and creative strategies to protect communities from the increasing challenges of extreme heat.